Thursday, July 4, 2013

Cuteness Quotient

Retail therapy, shoe therapy, chocolate and caffeine. Lady has them all licked...literally. Today I had a few moments where I would normally hop in the car and head to the nearest mall but instead, I thought I'd try and stand my ground. Since realizing how much anxiety and sometimes sheer panic and the urge to fight or flight has controlled my life, I've been making a champion effort to control these moods and not have them dictate to me. Enter Lady the ultimate lap dog.
Instead of taking off, I thought I'd take a walk with the four legged wonder and then write a chapter of the book I promised my brother I'd start writing. Instead of the instant regret that follows a huge dish of ice cream, latte or movie ticket, I felt calmer and more in control. I went online and checked out pet therapy programs finding that dogs are being used from everything to helping children read to defusing tense courtroom moments for children that have to testify on the witness stand. Nursing homes and schools for special needs children also have found the value of a furry companion in lowering blood pressure and creating a sense of calm and happiness.
Lady is quickly learning good habits and I'm amazed at her progress. She went for three hours today in her playroom without making a mess while my family and I went cherry picking. I came home and was as proud as any "mama" could be. She brings such happiness and a sense of pride and accomplishment as she learns the good habits that will make her my constant companion. There is a program called the St. John's Ambulance Dog Therapy Program that I would like to see her complete and I'm looking forward to her assistance for many years to come.
Unless it is like the other evening when I was working an overnight shift. It was a bit of a restless night and I didn't get my clients settled until the wee hours of the morning. Sighing with relief, I sank onto the couch only to hear the gentle rumble of a snoring puppy echo through the room. She has spent every night without a peep in a crate by my bed and I was quite shocked to hear such a racket coming from her travel crate. She continued to rattle the window panes from the porch outside the french doors and I sat inside trying to stifle my laughter at the unbelievable change in her behaviour.
It is silly moments like this that bind us together and I cannot imagine what I was doing for amusement before Lady Grey turned up...the volume. Good night sweetheart and dream your puppy dreams. I have also begun to dream again and it's a good thing.