Friday, June 28, 2013

Lady Grey Darjeeling

So much has happened since struggling through the dark winter. I find myself looking back and happy for all the good things that I have now. Lady is one of those good things. She is snoozing quietly in her kennel now that we purchased together this afternoon.  A torrential downpour is a gentle euphemism for the buckets of rain the heavens turned on my head in the parking lot of the dollar store where I left her in the car. A mad dash for treats, toys, shampoo and a leash then back to the car where a rather furry, unlicensed driver sat blinking up at me from my own seat behind the wheel. "Open the door, fuzzhead!" I admonished and fished my keys out of a damp pocket. Unperturbed, she remained at the wheel until her furry backside was relocated to my lap and I scrambled to bring my bags and body parts out of the elements. Whimpering at the loud rain, she wriggled into my coat and all the way up my side until another wriggle would have had her sliding back down my sleeve. With a pretend sigh of aggravation, I buckled in and drove to our next stop for a kennel: Lady Grey had already learned to topple her laundry basket and I was awakened with kisses at five a.m. this morning. Not a terrible start to the day until I remembered potty training. So, I zipped my raincoat and tucked her tail inside, heading for the closest entrance to the store. It's a bit of a challenge to look non-chalant while walking 'calmly' through a monsoon with a sleeping puppy stowed in your coat and I even caught some looks of surprise when my fat belly squirmed and a tail popped out. I quite enjoyed that.
Today was one of those days at work when I was reminded of the fleeting nature of our journey here under the blue skies and above the green grass. A life in my care was measurably fading in its intensity as the sun sets with a gentler warmth. Peace was there and acceptance for what the day would bring. Nonetheless, it was a day that I was glad I had Lady Grey's kisses to come home to.